© 2024 Tat Gıda Sanayi A.Ş.



Tat Gıda’s 56th Ordinary General Assembly Held

The 56th Ordinary General Assembly of Tat Gıda was convened on April 25, 2024, under the chairmanship of our General Manager Evren Albaş, with the opening speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Veysel Memiş. At the…

2nd Agriculture, Technology and Impact Summit

The 2nd Agriculture, Technology and Impact Summit, which brings together the concepts of technology, sustainability and impact in agriculture, was held with intense participation on 22-23 February with the mission of “Sustainable agriculture for a healthier society”. At the summit,…

We are taking our place in MediaCat Sustainability Annex!

While providing everyone with good and healthy food, we focus on sustainability at every step of our production processes. By actively using digital agricultural technologies, we use our resources efficiently and move step by step towards our goal of net…