© 2024 Tat Gıda Sanayi A.Ş.

We exist to lead
the transformation that will
bring good and healthy food to everyone.


Established in


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Behind Tat Gıda’s strong position; Along with its world-class production infrastructure, it has industrialist-producer collaborations based on trust, the devoted contribution of Turkish farmers, and a consumer-oriented and innovative company culture. Tat, the leading brand of tomato paste, tomato products, canned food and ketchup market, always brings quality, delicious and natural products to its consumers.

Our Sustainability Journey

Tat Gıda continues its sustainability efforts every year in a way that contributes to the common goals determined on a global scale, in order to achieve a more positive social and economic structure for a more livable world today and in the future.


Striving to ensure everybody reaches good and healthy food for over 50 years, Tat comes at the top of the most loved and trusted food brands of Türkiye. The journey that started in 1967 with production of seasonal products grew over the years by flourishing with out-of-season products and Tat became a food brand with no competitors in the local market. Today, Tat is the 5th biggest tomato producer in Europe and the 10th in the world and continues to export to many global markets, targeting continuous growth.

Latest Developments in Tat

We Met with Sabancı University CEOs at the Tea Talks Event!
Tat Gıda’s 56th Ordinary General Assembly Held
Our Agro Hub Agriculture and Food Chain Advanced Technology Center website is online!
2nd Agriculture, Technology and Impact Summit
We are taking our place in MediaCat Sustainability Annex!